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Running a rule over energy reduction

Building management systems (BMS) help commercial buildings of all uses and sizes better manage their energy consumption

COP26 increased pressure on the built environment to cut its carbon footprint. Next generation building management systems can help achieve that goal, explains Alastair Reynolds, vice president and general manager of Global Services for Honeywell Building Technologies.

The widespread growth of environmental awareness has already transformed our approach to resource management. As a result, we are identifying and quantifying waste in far greater detail than ever before. This is partly being driven by government initiatives to tackle climate change, such as the UK’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations, which aims to increase business and industry energy productivity by 20% over the next 10 years.

The UK government also estimates that if rented commercial buildings were to operate at Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band B there would be a £1bn per year saving on energy bills. Legislation to mandate this target by 2030 is currently being discussed.

The impact of COP26

These types of initiatives were given added impetus by the recent COP26 summit, which triggered a range of far-ranging commitments to help address the global climate crisis. The UK government leads the way; it is the first major economy to enshrine in law its objective to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which is hugely significant for the Britain’s real estate.

According to the UK Green Building Council, the country’s built environment is responsible for approximately 40% of the nation’s total carbon footprint.

Fortunately, there are a range of tools that can tackle this issue.

Next generation analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), combined with real-time reporting and smart networks, can help achieve previously unattainable levels of energy waste reduction. The manufacturing sector has been quick to adopt these sorts of processes, partly as a response to rapidly escalating energy bills. This type of thinking is also applicable to the built environment.

A modern building management system

Tools, such as building management systems (BMS), are available to ensure commercial buildings of all uses and sizes better manage their energy consumption. Areas such as lobbies, halls and conference rooms can all be more efficiently run, especially if footfall and usage isn’t constant.

For example, air conditioning systems, lighting and audio visual equipment in parts of a building not being utilised can be automatically switched off or turned down to energy saving mode.

However, it’s not just about reactive management; sensors can also be employed to identify building usage patterns, which in turn can help to develop more cost-effective occupancy planning. This doesn’t just reduce energy consumption, it can also help improve the occupant experience by ensuring that the most appropriate facilities are made available, cost-effectively and efficiently. From a building management perspective, that’s a double win.

Small changes, big wins

Taking control of a building’s energy use is an incremental process – it can be all about a series of small gains that when taken together, can quickly add up to a big win. However, to ensure this potential is fully realised, facility managers need to have access to the big picture. Taking a holistic view will deliver the best possible results.

That’s why it’s essential to have a fully implemented BMS in place – it will help ensure that the maximum benefits and value can be realised, now and in the future. The European Union agrees and is proposing in the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD) to make the use of a BMS mandatory for buildings above a certain size.

Having access to the right tools, in combination with a bespoke plan tailored to your specific needs, sits at the heart of an effective energy waste management strategy. It is also important to work with an experienced building management partner as this will help ensure the best possible outcome: long-term optimised energy use.

Don’t wait for the legislation – stay ahead of the game. Realise those waste reduction benefits now and boost bottom line performance.

https://buildings.honeywell.com | Megan.McGovern@Honeywell.com | t: 001 (480) 353 3020